Many skin care products contain some (or even all) of these 7 nutrients. These nutrients are also available in the food we eat. Here are some which you can find in your local supermarket:
1. Vitamin C, which is found in plant-based foods such as Guava (which has the most Vitamin C), Black Currant, Red Peppers, Kiwi, Green Peppers and of course, Oranges.
2. Vitamin E, specifically high-potency tocotrienols (members of a subgroup of the vitamin E family, which includes tocopherols. Tocotrienols and tocopherols are antioxidants, though only tocotrienols help reduce cholesterol and possibly inhibit certain cancers and help manage diabetes.) Good sources are Almonds, Spinach, Sweet Potato and Avocado. Also helpful are rice bran oil and palm fruit oil.
3. Coenzyme Q-10 (or ubiquinol, found naturally in the body, though decreases after the age of around 20) is naturally found in high levels in meats such as liver, kidney, and heart, as well as in beef, sardines, and mackerel. Vegetarians or vegans who do not eat these foods, may find a suitable alternative in vegetable sources of CoQ10 which include spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower. Legumes such as peanuts and soybeans are the best non-animal sources.
4. Alpha-lipoic acid True, only tiny amounts of alpha lipoic acid are found in the food we eat. However, it is suggested that combining foods (such as broccoli and spinach) that contain alpha lipoic acid and certain other beneficial nutrients, improves antioxidant ability. These may be found as a food supplement, but extreme care must be taken with these, as too much ALA's can also be harmful. R-lipoic acid is the natural form, generally found in foods and is the most beneficial.
5. Dimethylaminoethanol - (DMAE), found in fish such as salmons, sardines, anchovies and pilchards. It promotes the production of choline, which is the precursor of acetylcholine, the chief neurotransmitter responsible for the functions of learning, memory and attention.
6. Carotenoids - These are phyto-nutrients found in the red, yellow, and orange flesh of plant leaves, flowers and fruits. Carotenoids are recognisable by the red, orange, green, and yellow color they give to foods such as tomatoes, carrots, and apricots; or more or less any fruit or vegetable with these shades. Also found in dark, leafy green vegetables, for example spinach, broccoli and kale.
7. Bioflavonoids - or Flavonoids (the "Bio" part refers to where they come from) are antioxidants and these help reduce the formation of free radicals; those nasty, highly reactive byproducts of chemical reactions that can take place in the body. Sources for these are green tea, soy isoflavones (a source of natural plant phytoestrogens which are in some cases used to ease menopausal symptoms and strengthen the bones). Whole soybean-based foods, for example tofu and soy milk, generally have the highest protein and isoflavone content), red wine (in moderation!) and other plant-derived foods.