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Thinking of Fillers? Or Botox?

Writer's picture: NataliaNatalia

Fillers (pic: )

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of cosmetic interventions in the form of injectable facial fillers and botulinum toxins being offered by non-medical professionals, such as beauty therapists and related practitioners.

Risks of treatment by non-medically qualified individuals are considerable. The success or failure of any invasive injectable treatment, comes down to the training and experience to undertake any the procedures; however there needs to be the experience to deal with any complications, allergic reactions, or other adverse effects (such as infection) which may result. Such can be lacking in those who are not medically trained.

Regulation consists of making sure that, for example, beauty therapists have achieved a Level 7 qualification in cosmetic injectables, as well as having clinical oversight from a qualified healthcare professional. Though this is a high level of qualification, there exists no statutory or mandatory regulation to enforce this, as the current government prefers an industry lead voluntary approach. Qualified healthcare professional such as doctors, dentists and nurses are all accountable to their own regulatory bodies such as the GMC, NMC and GDC. For those working as beauty therapists have no regulator to oversee their standards of work.

We have heard from nurses and doctors who have been contacted by therapists needing urgent help for their client. Although they have clinical oversight, sometimes the qualified professional responsible is not to hand; the result of such can be a disaster for the customer.

The message here is simple. If you are considering treatment using fillers or Botox, then it is vital to check the qualifications and training of the person carrying out the treatment (The person, not the establishment!). Talk to them and if you do not feel 100% assured, go somewhere else.

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