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Beware of the light.

Writer's picture: NataliaNatalia

Blue light, which is part of the visible light spectrum, reaches deeper into the eye and skin and its cumulative effect can cause damage to the retina. Furthermore, in certain wavelengths, blue light can cause age-related macular degeneration (AMD). High-Energy Visible (HEV) light and Infrared (IR) light emitted from devices like tablets, smartphones and computers can also affect the condition of the skin as well as eyesight.

Those who have high exposure to white LED or fluorescent light bulbs in offices and homes, frequent users of LED computer monitors, tablets, or smart phones, and those at risk for AMD, particularly those at high risk, (those with family history, smokers, etc.) need to take extra care. Many companies are working on technology to look at harmful blue light and ways to block that and still allow healthy blue light to remain.

This is because not all blue light is bad. The labeled blue-turquoise light range, which is from 465 nm to 495 nm, is essential to our vision, the function of our pupil reflex and in general to human health. It also helps to regulate our Circadian sleep/wake cycle.

We need to think about how we currently protect our eyes and skin on a daily basis, from the wrong sort of blue light as well as UVA and UVB light and especially if there is a family history of macular degeneration (macula is a small part of the retina, responsible for all central vision) . How much time is spent in front a digital device or computer is becoming important, now that we stare at a screen every few moments and especially so for the younger generations.

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